Sunday, January 6, 2013

Boucle-From the french for "buckled" or "ringed" uneven yarn that forms loops at intervals. the fabric usually springy.

why, Hello.

I'm Kourtney! 

I am not the greatest at the whole Blogging thing, honestly I have started a lot of them but am really bad at them... but, it's a New Year, and I thought, hey! why not?, so here it goes. 

I know everyone who is reading this must be just dying inside to know everything about me& of course wondering what I am doing! so, I'll tell you!

I recently have been so addicted to buying books, I love reading books that have little interesting facts, lots of what nots, who's who, definitions of words, things that are probably pointless facts, but nevertheless they are amazing not so important facts, that could possibly one day.. end up changing your life, For example, who knows, you might get randomly chosen for a game show, and you make it all the way to the final Question, and it happens to be one of my "not so important facts" I bet you would rethink that, and change that not to "not so bad, you just won a million dollar important facts."  

But, yes that is what I have going on, besides watching my Amazing &wonderful strange boyfriend tear his electric guitar apart, just to put it back together.

If you can't tell right now that I am very different from most, &very weird then, You must be weird as well, So I hope you like the kind of things I am going to Blog about... I won't really blog about my life in words, maybe every once in awhile, but it's a rare chance, I write in pictures, and information so... This blog is my inspiration blog, mostly of Fashion, Art, Typography, Quotes, my Favorite things, places I find that are interesting, books, my Photography work, My favorite photographers, DIYS ideas, Crafts, Templates, To Do's, Lists, my Life, &the things that I love! I hope you follow me, remember to give me some time to let me get the hang of this "blog" thing! but, I'm glad your here&reading and enjoy my blog:) 

The most important thing about beauty is to leave something to the imagination.

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